
Issue 356: Cannot start or install App Store updates

Reported by XP1, Oct 30, 2013

Cannot start or install App Store updates

Forum thread:
Cannot start or install App Store updates:,5920.0.html

In OS X 10.9 Mavericks, iWork (Pages, Keynote, and Numbers), 
Aperture, and iLife (iPhoto and iMovie) can be updated for free.

When clicking the update button, the error displays:

"Update Unavailable with This Apple ID

This update is for an app downloaded with a different Apple ID. Sign 
in with that Apple ID and try again."

According to nguyenmac, "The problem lies on Chameleon 
bootloader not injecting BoardSerialNumber properly. Using Vmware 
trick or switching to Clover fix this."

No free update for iWork 2013 possible:

@nguyenmac: "Chameleon ignores boardserialnumber, you have to 
wait until next version."

No free update for iWork 2013 possible:

Comment 1 by Konstantinos Giannakas, Mar 13, 2014

I would just like to confirm this bug, too, from my side.

Comment 2 by Konstantinos Giannakas, Jun 19, 2014

Hello to the whole team, I know everyone's busy and eager with 
Yosemite 10.10 but out of curiosity, do we now get properly the 
BoardSerialNumber injected in latest svn versions like 2378 from the 
trunk? I tried finding this string in ioreg but failed. Thank you in 

Created: 10 years 8 months ago by XP1

Updated: 10 years 1 month ago

Status: New

Followed by: 1 person
