
Issue 357: Chameleon still does not parse SMBIOS.PLIST SMmemory Keys & Strings

Reported by Jay Walker, Nov 7, 2013


Like many new utrabooks and laptops Sony in their infinite wisdom 
solders the first 4 gigabytes of RAM onto the motherboard. As such 
Chameleon is unable to correctly identify the RAM (bespoke Sony SPD 
?) resulting in OSX having no information on the systems memory. 
This causes some OSX problems, most notable, it’s impossible to run 
‘About this Mac’ as the RAM info is missing/corrupt and causes the 
desktop/finder to restart, also diagnostic utilities such as System 
information fail to report any memory information.

Selecting 'Memory Information' from Chameleon's boot-loader GUI 
causes a crash/reboot.

The fix should be very easy in that we can add the memory 
information into smbios.plist so that the Chameleon can inject it, 
indeed Chameleon Wizard makes it easy to add this info to the SMBIOS 
plist, so after editing i have the following SMmemory keys in my 

Code: [Select]

This used to work, however for quite a few versions of Chameleon 
now, it would appear that it no longer parse's the SMmemory keys in 
smbios.plist, every time a new version of Chameleon is released i 
give it a go but so far the problem remains.

This issue was raised many months ago  (#122)  ...

and more recently here (327) ...

I believe that the problem lies in the nested 'if' conditions at 
line 469-479 of smbios.c

If i read the code right the conditional statements are stopping the 
code from parsing the SMmemory keys in smbios.plist, removing the 
‘if’ condition(s) would resolve the issue (I think) but that 
conditional code must have been put there for a reason.....

I know i'm not alone with this issue and its been around for a while 
now, I will be happy to beta test a release candidate and i'd really 
appreciate if the developers could take a look at this and implement 
a fix in the next release.

Thanks for all your hard work guys


Additional: I posted this bug-report also on the forum.

Comment 1 by Jay Walker, Dec 2, 2013

Since I posted this bug report another forum member has identified  
the true nature of the problem. Please see issue 361:-

This fix should be implemented in the trunk build if possible.


Comment 2 by ErmaC , Dec 5, 2013

Status: Fixed

Created: 10 years 8 months ago by Jay Walker

Updated: 10 years 7 months ago

Status: Fixed

Followed by: 1 person
