
Issue 82: make pkg no longer works.

Reported by Bruno Finocchiaro, May 30, 2011

I have always compiled the source with this simple commands:

svn co
cd trunk
make clean
make embedtheme
make pkg

BUT NOW.... won't work anymore!! ¬_¬ DAMN DAMN!!
 I get errors like this:

iMac:trunk owner$ make pkg
make: *** No rule to make target `pkg'.  Stop.
iMac:trunk owner$ 

Comment 1 by ErmaC , May 30, 2011

We work on this in a differnt place.

when the package "build" are complete, probably will be 
re-add at the main project.


Comment 2 by Bruno Finocchiaro, May 30, 2011

my issue is for Chamaleon bootloader. you talk about 

thanks anyway

Comment 3 by Evan Lojewski, May 30, 2011

make pkg hasn't been updated in trunk for a while. The changes with 
the modules system also require an updated package script. 

With all of the recent makefile changes I've removed the pkg option, 
as well as the embedtheme option. As iFabio stated, when 
everything's ready, we can read it in from the chameleonApplications 
tree, as that is where work on it it ongoing.

You should have gotten an error about make embedtheme as well. To 
enable the embedded theme option, run make config and select it.
Summary: make pkg no longer works.

Comment 4 by Bruno Finocchiaro, May 31, 2011

ok, "make config" works well... so... you're telling me, I 
can't build a package at this time? :/

Comment 5 by Evan Lojewski, May 31, 2011

That's correct.

Comment 6 by Bruno Finocchiaro, Jun 1, 2011

thx guys for the infos! ;)

Comment 7 by Evan Lojewski, Jul 18, 2011

Labels: Target:2.0
Status: Accepted

Comment 8 by Evan Lojewski, Aug 14, 2011

Status: Fixed

Created: 13 years 1 month ago by Bruno Finocchiaro

Updated: 12 years 11 months ago

Status: Fixed

Followed by: 2 persons
