
Issue 344: Match with the xnu kernel

Reported by Alex J, Jun 21, 2013

I saw that in the last commit renamed processors from DALES_32NM to 
CLARKDALE and JAKETOWN to SANDYBRIDGE_XEON I think that they should 
rename again to make it match with the information that appears in 
the kernel since according to the 
appears as it was originally but is just my opinion.

Comment 1 by ErmaC , Jun 24, 2013

Hi Alex J.

Yep I will going to "revert" the name into xnu style…
not really a problem (at all) is only more readable for who read and 
use the source code, and my purpose was (and will be soon)
update the smbios section (outdated) with new model…


Labels: Priority:Low Type:Other Priority:Medium Type:Defect

Comment 2 by Alex J, Jun 24, 2013

I have made some changes and cleanings for my personal use. Maybe 
you are interested.

Comment 3 by ErmaC , Jul 7, 2013

Commit commit 2253.
Status: Fixed

Created: 11 years 24 days ago by Alex J

Updated: 11 years 9 days ago

Status: Fixed

Followed by: 1 person
